Cultured Data.

Use company data efficiently.
FSZ makes company data usable by skillfully linking consulting and software. And with the least possible effort for you: without complex migration processes and interface problems – but with rapid project progress and quick effects.

From analysis to consulting to solutions: as business analysts with many years of experience, we quickly develop a sound understanding of the processes in your company. Together with you, we identify the existing data that is relevant to achieving the project objective and develop a customized strategy on this basis.

We take on the project management and accompany you with passion and team spirit from planning through implementation and rollout to training. All this with short project durations.

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The full program.

We are there for you holistically. Our services range from consulting to project management,
implementation and the individual solution through to training and support.


Project management



Training & Support

The customized solution.

With Yoonite, we bring together and network your data from a wide variety of sources. They can then be easily viewed, linked, analyzed and used in a variety of ways.

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What can we do for you?

Would you like to use and manage your data more efficiently? Simply send us an inquiry
– We will contact you to arrange a consultation.
