Data integration:

Make the most of your information.

We strongly believe that your company data is too valuable not to be used in the best possible way. And your time is too precious to waste on time-consuming searching and compiling of data from a wide variety of formats and sources. What can we offer you instead? The end of stand-alone solutions. And therefore …

  • more transparency and efficiency in data management – even with very large amounts of data,
  • more knowledge through clear data,
  • better forecasting of developments and
  • a more solid basis for decision-making in management.

How do we get there?

With Yoonite, our advanced information system, which has proven itself over many years and which we adapt exactly to your project goals. The advantage? Because the software product makes almost everything possible, we can concentrate fully on your task and the precise customization. And because we customize Yoonite rather than simply implementing it, the error rate is extremely low.

In whatever industry you are at home, whether you offer products or services or, for example, represent a municipal organization – all of this is not decisive. Our solution is always tailor-made and our approach interdisciplinary. We don’t impose a fixed system on your company, but rather …

  • we listen carefully,
  • we advise you with a comprehensive understanding of the process,
  • we identify your data potential and
  • offer you a customized solution for data integration.

The special:

What is also unique is that we develop your solution in short project steps. So, you don’t have to wait several months for the ready-to-use solution. Instead, you can use individual components quickly and achieve initial effects after a short time.

In addition to detailed, personalized advice, there is another aspect that is especially important to us: sustainability. With this in mind, and as a long-term partner, we also offer you maintenance, support and training for your employees. Because we want your data integration project to be successful right from the start – and we want it to remain so.

The following are
extremely important to us:

High-level expertise in data management (data analysis, redesign and aggregation).

Fast results, high flexibility and sustainable solutions.

Efficient processes and short lines of communication.

Fairness and transparent implementation.

Customer proximity based on partnership and personal identification with the project.